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The quollr package provide functions to construct a model in the 2D space based on 2D embedding and then lifts to the high dimensional space. The package also provides a visualization that integrates this model with high dimensional data using the tour technique. For a thorough background and discussion on this work, please read our paper [link to the paper].


You can install the released version of quollr from CRAN with:

# install.packages("quollr")

And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")
# remotes::install_github("JayaniLakshika/quollr")


Our approach involves dividing the high dimensional data set into two parts: a training set to construct the model and a test set to generate predictive values and residuals. To implement our approach, first we use a 2D embedding data set as the initial point. The output of our algorithm is a tour that displays the model and original high dimensional data in the high-dimensional space. Our algorithm comprises two main phases:(1) generate the model in the 2D space, and (2) generate the model in the high-D space.

About the name

questioning how a high-dimensional object looks in low-dimensions using r


This package is licensed under the MIT license.