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Extract hexagonal bin mean and related information from non-linear dimensionality reduction data.


extract_hexbin_mean(nldr_df, num_bins, shape_val = 1, x = "UMAP1", y = "UMAP2")



A data frame containing 2D embeddings.


Number of bins along the x-axis for hexagon binning.


The value of the shape parameter for hexagon binning.


The name of the column that contains first 2D embeddings component.


The name of the column that contains second 2D embeddings component.


A list containing the hexagonal bin mean data frame and the hexbin object.


# Example usage of extract_hexbin_mean function
num_bins_x <- 4
shape_value <- 1.833091
result <- extract_hexbin_mean(nldr_df = s_curve_noise_umap,
num_bins = num_bins_x, shape_val = shape_value, x = "UMAP1", y = "UMAP2")
hexdf_data <- result$hexdf_data
hb_data <- result$hb_data
#> # A tibble: 16 × 5
#>    hexID      x      y counts std_counts
#>    <int>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <int>      <dbl>
#>  1     1 -2.71  -5.38       2      0.222
#>  2     2 -2.21  -5.52       6      0.667
#>  3     6 -2.82  -4.20       7      0.778
#>  4     7 -1.44  -4.32       5      0.556
#>  5    11 -3.03  -3.66       2      0.222
#>  6    12 -2.13  -3.48       2      0.222
#>  7    13 -0.831 -2.83       2      0.222
#>  8    17 -0.431 -1.70       1      0.111
#>  9    18  0.222 -1.45       8      0.889
#> 10    24  0.973 -0.107      7      0.778
#> 11    28  0.863  0.619      1      0.111
#> 12    29  1.38   0.943      6      0.667
#> 13    38  0.662  4.13       2      0.222
#> 14    39  1.64   3.95       8      0.889
#> 15    44  1.14   5.36       9      1    
#> 16    45  2.23   4.93       7      0.778
#> Formal class 'hexbin' [package "hexbin"] with 16 slots
#>   ..@ cell  : int [1:16] 1 2 6 7 11 12 13 17 18 24 ...
#>   ..@ count : int [1:16] 2 6 7 5 2 2 2 1 8 7 ...
#>   ..@ xcm   : num [1:16] -2.71 -2.21 -2.82 -1.44 -3.03 ...
#>   ..@ ycm   : num [1:16] -5.38 -5.52 -4.2 -4.32 -3.66 ...
#>   ..@ xbins : num 4
#>   ..@ shape : num 1.83
#>   ..@ xbnds : num [1:2] -3.27 2.46
#>   ..@ ybnds : num [1:2] -5.74 5.82
#>   ..@ dimen : num [1:2] 10 5
#>   ..@ n     : int 75
#>   ..@ ncells: int 16
#>   ..@ call  : language hexbin::hexbin(x = dplyr::pull(nldr_df, {     { ...
#>   ..@ xlab  : chr [1:5] "dplyr::pull(nldr_df, {" "    {" "        x" "    }" ...
#>   ..@ ylab  : chr [1:5] "dplyr::pull(nldr_df, {" "    {" "        y" "    }" ...
#>   ..@ cID   : int [1:75] 6 24 29 2 12 44 24 18 24 45 ...
#>   ..@ cAtt  : int(0)