This function generates a data frame containing coordinates and identifiers for hexagons, along with additional information like counts and polygon IDs.
A data frame with columns "x", "y", "id", "c_x", "c_y", "hexID", "counts", "std_counts", and "polygon_id".
num_bins_x <- 4
shape_value <- 1.833091
hexbin_data_object <- extract_hexbin_centroids(nldr_df = s_curve_noise_umap,
num_bins = num_bins_x, shape_val = shape_value)
df_bin_centroids <- hexbin_data_object$hexdf_data
#> # A tibble: 300 × 9
#> x y id c_x c_y hexID counts std_counts polygon_id
#> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <dbl> <int>
#> 1 -2.55 -5.29 1 -3.27 -5.74 1 2 0.222 1
#> 2 -2.55 -6.20 1 -3.27 -5.74 1 2 0.222 1
#> 3 -3.27 -6.65 1 -3.27 -5.74 1 2 0.222 1
#> 4 -3.99 -6.20 1 -3.27 -5.74 1 2 0.222 1
#> 5 -3.99 -5.29 1 -3.27 -5.74 1 2 0.222 1
#> 6 -3.27 -4.84 1 -3.27 -5.74 1 2 0.222 1
#> 7 -1.12 -5.29 2 -1.84 -5.74 2 6 0.667 2
#> 8 -1.12 -6.20 2 -1.84 -5.74 2 6 0.667 2
#> 9 -1.84 -6.65 2 -1.84 -5.74 2 6 0.667 2
#> 10 -2.55 -6.20 2 -1.84 -5.74 2 6 0.667 2
#> # ℹ 290 more rows